Evil Souls

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Original title: Evil Souls - 2015 | 93 min
Genre: Horror
Director: Maurizio Del Piccolo, Roberto Del Piccolo
Cast: Holli Dillon (Jess), Peter Cosgrove (Valentine), Lisa Marrs (Maddie), Emanuele Ignomirelli (Nickolas), Julian Boote (Albert), Paola Masciadri (Susan)
A child is born with a prophecy preordained. The guardian of the room unleashes his wrath on those who challenge his will. His evil soul knows no boundary as he ravages his sister in sexual gratification, selling her to the highest bidder. Fate is written, but Valentine has to fulfill his destiny. kidnapping two girls he is intent upon unleashing hell, until a priest, sensing ancient evil, knows he must find a way to stop it. With subterfuge, hate, denial and lust, the journey to a room of terror has just begun
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